Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Cheshire Cat Comes Out of Hiding

The Cheshire Cat has Come Out of Hiding

Cheshire Cat Challenge
Yahtzee with Buddies has made the Cheshire Cat come out and play against you for the next 48 hours.  The cat has been worn down and now it only takes 360 points to beat him.  Remember that it used to be 395 originally and then lowered to 380 and now finally to 360.

Many of you wrote in and shared your displeasure with how difficult to beat the Cheshire since he scored three yahtzees each time you played him.

You can play the Cheshire Cat over and over again if you have enough rolls to do it.  For others it may be the final opportunity to get the custom dice.

Have you beaten him?


  1. I beat him originally, and beat him on less than the 395. I did it by going back every ten minutes it allowed you to play, and wore it down so to speak!

    1. Do you mean you played a new game against him every ten minutes? Using bonus rolls to play?

  2. Hi Tina,

    Glad that you beat up the poor Cheshire! The rest can now benefit :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. I beat him once, first time at it. Like I've stated before. There is absolutely no reason anyone should ever lose a match in any of the towers. Provided one is using the Yahtzee/ Dice method.

    1. what is the yahtzee/ Dice method?

    2. Yahtzee blogger said he would do a post on it. I wish he would hurry up and I can get some of these dice

    3. Not to be rude, but if others figured it out on their own, you can too. It's really just a matter of understanding how the game functions - specifically the Dice Masters. The Dice Masters will always finish with approximately the quoted score for that level. There are no surprises there, you know what you have to beat. You also have to be aware that all your rolls are pre-set when you begin the challenge. They aren't "random" as they should be, or as you might think/expect. So it's just a matter of figuring out how to know what to play when.

    4. yeah I am with yon what does the Yahtzee/dice method mean? Do you mean rolling your three turns then deleting the app & reinstalling it having noted down the numbers? Sorry but 'figure it out on your own' isn't particularly helpful.

    5. (I was the previous anon poster) Jane, you basically just did figure it out. So I guess I was more helpful than you thought. There's an additional way to make it easier as well, but you got the basic idea.

    6. I might add that Yahtzee is a competitive game, and it's not really in my best interests to public ally reveal ways I've discovered to score higher. Nor do I have any duty to do so. But you figured out what I was getting at nonetheless.

  4. It probably took me six tries before I beat him. I think they had lowered it to 380 at that point. I beat him a second time after seeing they had lowered it again to 360. My difficulty in beating him intially was that he would always pop up around 2:00PM - when I'm at work and can't really devote my full attention to the game. But then he started popping up more often and now is out of hiding completely.
