Sunday, November 29, 2015

How Do I Score Additional Yahtzees in Yahtzee With Buddies

Scoring More Than One Yahtzee in Yahtzees With Buddies

A Yahtzee scores 50 points the first time that you get one if you place it in the yahtzee box in the lower section.  If you have already scored a zero in that box then the 5 of a kind is no longer a yahtzee and scores the sum of the dice.  Example, getting 5 sixes would score 30 in the 6's (upper section), or 3 of a Kind, 4 of a Kind, or in the Chance box.

Technically, you can score 13 yahtzees.  But I've only seen four scored in any of the games that I have played with real people and only two with the dice monsters.

The max score you can get under perfect play is: 880 points possible inYahtzee with Buddies. 5 x 1, 5 x 2, 5 x 3, 5 x 4, 5 x 5, 5 x 6, 35 Bonus, 80, 80, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50.

The second yahtzee can be played in any of the other open boxes meaning a box that you have not placed a zero in. In the upper section, the second yahtzee scores +50 and also the sum of the face value of the dice.  So you might get from 55 (yahtzee of 1's) to all the way to the max of 80 (yahtzee of 6's).

There is an achievement where you don't want to score the yahtzee of all ones into the yahtzee box - Precision Fail achievement where you score the yahtzee in chance and score a zero in all the other boxes.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Player Icons Next to Profile in Yahtzee with Buddies

What are those icons mean next to players when starting a new game with someone?

Newcomer (newbie, noob!)

Social Butterfly
Lots of Active Games

Dice Collector
Collects Custom Dice

Speedy, Plays Back Quickly

Big Game Hunter
Highest Score over 350

Played over 100 Games

Community Leader
Community Event Leader

No Quit
No Quit,  Never Forfeits

Bronze FastPlay Champ
Won a Bronze FastPlay

Silver FastPlay Champ
Won a Silver FastPlay

Gold FastPlay Champ
Won a Gold FastPlay

FastPlay Fan
Played over 20 FastPlays

High Roller
Over 250 Avg Score

Sunday, November 1, 2015

How to Play Yahtzee with Buddies

How do you play or score a game in Yahtzee with Buddies?

The main goal of Yahtzee with Buddies is to get more points than your opponent.  Your opponent can be another person, "dice monster," or player sharing the app with you (handing it back and forth)

There are two sections on the board based on the original game card in Yahtzee:

Upper Section
  • Ones
  • Twos
  • Threes
  • Fours
  • Fives
  • Sixes
Lower Section
  • 3 of a Kind
  • 4 of a Kind
  • Full House
  • Small Straight
  • Large Straight
  • Yahtzee
  • Chance

There are 13 turns.  A move by you and your opponent is considered one turn. During each turn you get 3 rolls of the dice.  You can choose to roll none or all your dice again to get what you are trying to achieve in a particular roll.  For each game, you get one FREE Bonus Roll.  You can use it at any point in your game after your three rolls.  If you have banked bonus rolls, you can use them after each of the 3 rolls have been used but then must play your dice in one of the 13 rows (boxes) or score a zero (0).

In the upper section, you can only score the value of the ones in the ones box, sum of the twos in the twos box, etc...

If you score 63 or more points in the upper section, you get a nice 35 point upper section bonus.  If you were to get a minimum of three of each dice in each of the 6 rows then you'll get the bonus.  

Sometimes you might score a zero in a box like the ones.  That means you're down 3 points, you can make that up by scoring an extra 3 when completing your threes to make up for it.

In the lower section, scoring is similar:

3 of a Kind: Three matching dice of any value.  Sum up all the dice and enter the total in the 3 of a Kind box.  You can score from 5-30 points.

4 of a Kind: Four matching dice of any value.  Sum up all the dice and enter the total in the 4 of Kind box. You can score from 5-30 points.

Full House: Three dice of one value and two dice of a different dice. You score 25 points.

Small Straight: A series of dice four in succession.  Example 1, 2, 3, 4 or 2, 3, 4, 5. You score 30 points.

Large StraightA series of dice five in succession.  Example 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 or 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You score 40 points.

Yahtzee: Getting five of a kind of anything.  Example: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.  You get 50 points for a yahztee.  If you have scored a zero in yahtzee already, you only score the sum of the dice in an open box. In the ones, twos, threes, fours, fives, sixes, 3 of a kind, or 4 of a kind.

Chance: The sum of all five of your dice.  It is usually used when you can't complete something else.  If you were going for your yahtzee and didn't make it, you could put the score in here if it is empty. 

There are special achievement XP points for accomplishing certain scores and how you get points in the scoring.  Take a look at the Yahtzee with Buddies Achievments page for more information.