Monday, October 17, 2016

Yahtzee with Buddies One Year!

Yahtzee with Buddies
Dice with Buddies
Happy Birthday Post

Hello everyone!  Happy rolling :)  On the 11th of this month, turned one!  At this time last year, a friend of mine from words with friends invited me to play yahtzee with them.  They told me that they were addicted to this game (are you?). How can you turn down a friend?  I downloaded yahtzee with buddies on my iPhone but quickly got annoyed by the ads after each move so I forked over the $2.99 for the ad-free version and got some bonus rolls to boot.

I soon discovered bonus rolls, scratchers and towers.  I had a lot of questions about the game but couldn't find anything on the web that answered my questions.  So...I decided to write a blog and share what I had learned since I figured others might have the same questions.  Along the way, I met people with a lot experience that helped out and provided tips for playing.  I also learned about yahtzee with buddies sister app - Dice with Buddies. They are basically the same - 99%, except yahtzee with buddies is a Hasbro branded game and has their blessing.

The custom dice soon became the main focus and how to get them and that's why I show all the towers and which dice masters you'll face.  Lately, some of my followers have helped by sending screenshots of dice I don't have - THANK YOU! 

During this past year, this site has grown from about 10-25 unique visitors to about 700-1000 unique visitors per day.  Most of the visitors are looking to see what a particular dice is or how people are getting such high scores - 880 points. 

If I've helped you find an answer then I've succeeded.

Happy Birthday to!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Panda & Friends Tower in Yahtzee with Buddies

Yahtzee with Buddies
Dice with Buddies
Panda & Friends Tower

The Panda & Friends Tower showed up today and of course, one of our readers has conquered the tower in what I call ZERO DAY!  This is another three tier (Bronze, Silver and Gold) with five dice masters in each tier.  You will win the Panda custom dice if you beat all 15 dice masters.

The neon green numbers are a little difficult to read for me and the selection ring is okay around the dice.  Not too bad.

Do you like the dice?

Fourmingo--4Diamonds •100XP•15Crowns•205
Twobian Giraffe-4Diamonds•150XP•15Crowns•231•2br


Seal of Approval-16Diamonds•500XP•60Crowns•301•9br

Arctic Six-20Diamonds•550XP•75Crowns•334•10br

Golden Primeight-32Diamonds•650XP•120 Crowns•344•15br
Four Feathers-48Diamonds•750XP•180Crowns•351•21br

Bai One-60Diamonds•800XP•225Crowns•351•25br

Sample Panda Dice

Activate Panda Dice

In order to use the dice, you'll need to activate the dice once you earn them.

Bai-One Final Dice Master

You'll have to defeat Bai One for the Panda Custom Dice.

Streak Reward

If you beat the tower in the first FIVE days, then you'll earn a nice streak reward.  You also win a streak for beating it in 10 days and then finally in the last days of the tower challenge but the amount of items go down significantly.

Gold Tier Complete

You receive bonuses for completing the Bronze, Silver and of course the Gold Tier.  If you see this on your screen, then those Panda dice are yours!

Proof Bai One Defeated

The Bai One score to beat was a little lower than the last one (380 versus 350)

Monday, October 10, 2016

100 Bonus Roll Yahtzee Scratcher Win

Yahtzee with Buddies
Dice with Buddies
100 Bonus Roll Win

100 Bonus Roll Win
I posted a screenshot of a 50 bonus roll scratcher win and I received a 100 bonus roll win screenshot from a reader of this blog.  The only one I need now is the 200 bonus roll win.  If you have received it or someone else has, please send them in.

These (25, 50, 100 and 200) bonus roll wins are very rare so it's good when people send them in.

I have personally won 25 bonus rolls and of course win the 1,2,3,4 and 5 bonus rolls after I scratch off cards.  I have gotten close (2 of 3) for the 100 but that's it.

If you have any bonus rolls wins higher than 100, please send them ( in so I can post them here!  

Image Credit: TheSmoothe1

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Monster Manor Tower in Yahtzee with Buddies

Yahtzee with Buddies
Dice with Buddies
Monster Manor

Do  you want to win the cool Tombstone dice? Yes, of course you do!  This is how you do it:  You have to beat 15 scary dice masters on your way to earning them.  This is a standard Bronze, Silver and Gold tower with five dice masters in each.

At the end you'll face Sweet Bones and he's not just going to lay down and get in the grave (he's dead already!).  You'll need to be ready because the bar was set at 351 points to win.

The tombstone dice are easy to read since they light up yellow when they are selected and make for good choice when going through a lot of games in PvP.

If someone asks you, "How do I get those cool tombstone dice?" you'll know what to tell them! only have 30 days.  

Shake, 4 Diamonds, 100XP, 15 Crowns, 205, 1BR
Rattle, 4 Diamonds, 150XP, 15 Crowns, 231, 2BR
Roll - 4 Diamonds, 200XP, 15 Crowns, 247, 3BR
Threeves, 8 Diamonds, 200XP, 15 Crowns, 247, 4BR
Fourhees, 8 Diamonds, 300XP, 30 Crowns, 284, 5BR

Aces - 8 Diamonds, 350XP, 30 Crowns, 284, 6BR
Twosday - 12 Diamonds, 400XP, 45 Crowns, 299, 7BR
Rusty - 12 Diamonds, 450XP, 45 Crowns, 304, 8BR
Suspicious Sixie - 16 Diamonds, 500XP, 60 Crowns, 301, 9BR
Fourian Grey, 20 Diamonds, 500XP, 60 Crowns, 301, 10BR

Krakten - 24 Diamonds, 600XP, 90 Crowns, 324, 12BR
Twothy - 32 Diamonds, 650XP, 120 Crowns, 344, 15BR
GeightKeeper, 40 Diamonds, 700XP, 150 Crowns, 351, 18BR
Pipkin - 48 Diamonds, 750XP, 180 Crowns, 351, 21BR
Sweet Bones - 60 Diamonds, 800XP, 225 Crowns, 351, 25BR

15 Steak Chest

375 Diamonds
4,700 XP
1,405 Crowns

Activate the Tombstone

Sample Tombstone Custom Dice

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Halloween Dice Duels

Yahtzee with Buddies
Dice with Buddies
Halloween Dice Duels

It's that time again!  Are you ready to carve the pumpkin?  As you may be aware, Scopely has their annual pumpkin dice.  Last year, they had these dice and these custom pumpkin dice. This year, you can win the 2016 pumpkin dice by winning 20 games in the dice duels.  They aren't available by playing a premium or fast play tournament.

As is the case for the dice duels, you get one free dice duel per 24 hour period. After that you have to pay the entry fee to skip the wait in bonus rolls.

Some people stop here in the duels - getting to gold level and winning the dice.  You can do an unofficial goal, and that is to win the dice the first day that they are available.  This is usually in 24 hours.

Another goal in dice duels is to get to 103 wins, so that you can get the dice duel crown or an additional jewel in the crown.

Of course, we have the dice the first day (zero-day) winning of the dice!  

2016 Pumpkin Dice Sample

Pumpkin Custom Dice Sample
The sample dice aren't as easy to read as last year's pumpkin dice.

2015 Pumpkin Dice Sample

The sample dice are easy to read which make them really easy to use them when you have a lot of games going and are going through them quickly.  I like the numbers better on the 2015 version!

Activate the Pumpkin Dice

The Jack O' Lantern 2016 edition.  They look really mean but cool, don't ya think?

Do you like them?