Monday, May 1, 2017

Weekly Challenge

Yahtzee with Buddies
Dice with Buddies

Weekly Challenge: The weekly challenge was finally released in the update to the iPhone applications (Dice with Buddies, Dice with Buddies FREE and Yahtzee).  The Android versions of these three apps had been released months ago.  All the versions across all platforms will eventually be in the same, or the "unity" version.

Goal: The main goals is to reach a point total to unlock a custom set of dice.  A huge complaint of many is that only the cheaters/exploiters could get the custom dice by playing in the tournaments or defeating a tower.  This allows you to get a custom set of dice once per week!

The goal this week is 5600 on Dice with Buddies, Dice with Buddies FREE is 11,560 and Yahtzee it is 6700.  The goal has been as low as 3800 on Dice with Buddies.  I was wondering if they had a formula to detect how many players you have on your list and adjust according to that.  My guess is they average how many people they want to get the dice. The top number for the point goal has been 10,000.  It's cool to see your friends up there and see if you can come out on top.  The most I have seen is someone that finished with 124,000 for the week!

Prizes:  Along the way to getting the custom dice, you can unlock secret gifts.  These gifts can include XP, Diamonds, and even a random dice if you're lucky.  But what happens if you get a custom set of dice that you already have?  You can gift them to a Facebook buddy. Or, you can click on the "select random" and you will start a "gifting game."  The background is blue on your player list.

History: At first the Dice with Buddies version allowed only three of the people that you currently have on your player list to be on the tower or road that you are playing on for the weekly challenge.

The number of players I have seen is now up to 13.  What have you seen?  I think it depends on server load but I would be happy with the top ten.

Differences: I have played the weekly challenge on all six apps and notice that Dice with Buddies and Dice with Buddies Free points will count for each other but that the goal will be different.  Yahtzee with Buddies will not see the points played on DWB or DWBF and vice versa.