Yahtzee with Buddies
Dice with Buddies
Achievements: Some of the achievements are difficult to get while others are earned by playing long enough. (1/1/2017) It's a bummer that Scopely has taken some of the prizes away from getting the achievements.
Here are the Yahtzee with Buddies Achievements that I have seen. Are there any secret achievements? These achievements are closely associated with custom dice and how to get them post.
- Daily Goal
- Dice Master Showdown
- Total Score
- Basic Mastery
- Precise Score
- Four of a Kind
- Lower Section
- Three of a Kind
- Tournament
- Trick Play
- Upper Section
- Winner
Daily Goal
The daily goal is random achievement that one must get in order to receive 2 bonus rolls. A countdown shows how much time is left to get this item, 24 hours beginning at midnight.
Dice Master Showdown
Enter one of the dice master tournaments for free and try to get one of the following achievements. Usually in the form of experience points (XP).
- Worst to First
- Master of Bronze
- Master of Silver
- Master of Gold
- Master of Amethyst
- Master of Emerald
- Continued Mastery
- Silver Climber
- Gold Climber
- Amethyst Climber
- Emerald Climber
Worst to First - Defeat a Dice Master after using a Fresh Start
Master of Bronze - Defeat a Bronze Tier Dice Master by 150 points
Master of Gold - Defeat a Gold Tier Dice Master by 25 points
Master of Amethyst - Defeat a Amethyst Tier Dice Master by 25 points
Master of Emerald - Defeat a Emerald Tier Dice Master by 25 points
Continued Mastery - Defeat a Dice Master 10 days in a row
Gold Climber - Reach the Gold Tier of Dice Master Showdown
Amethyst Climber - Reach the Emerald Tier of Dice Master Showdown
Master of Silver - Defeat a Silver Tier Dice Master by 150 points
Silver Climber - Reach the Silver Tier of Dice Master Showdown
Total Score
Achievements that you strive to get during your game.
- High Roller
- Double Century Club
- Triple Century Club
- Triple Century Club Plus
- Quadruple Century Club
- Double Century Club Plus
- Quadruple Century Plus
Double Century Club - Score at least 200 in a head-to-head game
Double Century Club Plus - Score at least 250 in a head-to-head game
Triple Century Club - Score at least 300 in a head-to-head game
Triple Century Club Plus - Score at least 350 in a head-to-head game
Quadruple Century Club - Score at least 400 in a head-to-head game
Quadruple Century Plus - Score at least 450 in a head-to-head game
High Roller - Score at least 450 in a head-to-head game
Maximum Levels for Total Score and XP
Basic Mastery
Achievements that you strive to get during your game.
- Finishing Touch
- Straight Shooter
- Power House
- Straight Shooter Jr.
- Rushmore Roller
- 5-Star General
- Clean Game
- Two Hand Bandit
- Socialite
- Ready to Roll
Two Hand Bandit - Score 2 Yahtzees in One Game
Clean Game - Win a match without playing a 0
Finishing Touch - Complete 500 Games
5-Star General - Score 250 Yahtzees
Straight Shooter- Score 500 Large Straights
Rushmore Roller - Score 500 Four of a Kinds
Power House - Score 1000 Full Houses
Straight Shooter Jr. - Score 1000 Small Straights
Ready to Roll - Enable Push Notifications
Socialite - Send chat messages to 50 opponents
Precise Score
Achievements involving getting an exact score at the end of the game.
- Precision Shooter 200
- Precision Shooter 205
- Precision Shooter 210
- Precision Shooter 215
- Precision Shooter 220
- Precision Shooter 225
- Precision Shooter 230
- Precision Shooter 240
- Precision Shooter 245
- Precision Shooter 250
- Precision Shooter 260
- Precision Shooter 265
- Precision Shooter 270
- Precision Shooter 275
- Precision Shooter 280
- Precision Shooter 285
- Precision Shooter 290
- Precision Shooter 295
- Precision Shooter 300
Four of a Kind
Achievements involving the lower section (4 of a kind) during a game.
- 4-Star Bonus
- Quarter Century
- Marathon Mileage
- Perfect Cube
- 28 the Hard Way
- Prime Time
- Overkill
4-Star Bonus - Score 4 of a Kind using a Bonus Roll 125x
Quarter Century - Score 25 on 4 of a kind 25x
Marathon Mileage - Score 26 of 4 of a kind 25x
Perfect Cube - Score 27 on 4 of a kind 25x
28 the Hard Way - Score 28 on 4 of a kind 25x
Prime Time - Score 29 on 4 of a kind 25x
Lower Section
Achievements involving the lower section during a game.
- Strong Foundation
- Embarrassment of Riches
- 5-Star Bonus
- Bonus House
- Large Bonus
- Nothing Left to Chance
Strong Foundation - Score at least 350 in the lower section
Large Bonus - Score a Large Straight using Bonus Roll 25x
5-Star Bonus - Score a Yahtzee using a Bonus Roll 125x
Bonus House - Score a Full House using a Bonus Roll 125x
Small Bonus - Score a Small Straight using a Bonus Roll 125x
Nothing Left to Chance - Score 25 or better on Chance 125x
Embarrassment of Riches - Score a Full House with 5s and 6s 50x
Three of a Kind
Achievements involving the lower section (3 of a Kind) during a game.
- Quarter Century Jr.
- Marathon Mileage
- Perfect Cube Jr.
- 28 the Hard Way Jr.
- Prime Time Jr.
- Overkill
Quarter Century - Score 25 on 3 of a Kind 125x
28 the Hard Way Jr. - Score 28 on 3 of a Kind 125x
Prime Time Jr. - Score 29 on 3 of a Kind 25x
Overkill Jr. - Score 30 on 3 of a Kind 25x
Marathon Mileage - Score 26 on 3 of a Kind 25x
Perfect Cube Jr. - Score 27 on 3 of a Kind 25x
Achievements involving your participating in the tournaments.
- Competitive Edge
- Golden Circle
- Platinum Roller
- Premium Honors
- Seasoned Competitor
- With Honors
- Winners Circle
Platinum Roller - Win a Premium Tournament
Golden Circle - Get Winners Circle in a Premium Tournament
Premium Honors - Get Honorable Mention in a Premium Tournament
Competitive Edge - Score at least 300 in a Tournament
Seasoned Competitor - Complete 25 Tournaments
With Honors - Get Honorable Mention in a Tournament
Trick Play
Achievements involving getting a particular roll or score.
- Perfect Start
- Easy Does It
- Even Steven
- Epic Finish
- Three Hand Bandit
- Zero the Hero
- Precision Fail
- Silver Platter
- Four Hand Bandit
Epic Finish - Play Yahtzee on your last turn 5x
Even Steven - Tie a Game 5x
Three hand Bandit - Score 3 Yahtzees in One Game 5x
Silver Platter - Score a Large Straight with only one roll 125x
Easy Does It - Score a Small Straight with only one roll 125x
Four Hand Bandit - Score 4 Yahtzees in One Game 5x
Zero the Hero - Win a game scoring 0 on your last turn 125x
Precision Fail - Score only 5 Points in a Game
Someone asked, "How do I get exactly five points on Yahtzee with Buddies?" Simple. Get a 5 and score it 5s, 5 x 1s in the one, or Yahtzee with all ones and score it on the chance box and zero out all the rest of the boxes. You have to finish the game. Forfeit won't work. Then forfeit the game. Look for people that have 5 as the lowest score and you know what they did.
Perfect Start - Get Yahtzee on your first turn 25x
Upper Section
Achievements involving getting a particular roll or score on the upper section.
- Upper Hand
- Loaded Up
- Risky Business
- Master Strategist
- Aces Low
- Aces High
- Deuces Wild Jr.
- Deuces Wild
- Dirty Dozen
- 15 Minutes of Fame
- Four By Four
- Four? Score
- 20/20 Vision
- Beast Mode Jr.
- Five By Five
- Beast Mode Activated
Loaded Up - Score at least 4 of a kind in every upper box 5x
Risky Business - Earn Upper Bonus with a 0 in one of the boxes 125x
Master Strategist - Collect 500 Upper Bonuses
Upper Hand - Score at least 150 in the upper section (bonus excluded)
Aces Low - Score 4 on 1s 125x
Aces High - Score 5 on 1s 25x
Deuces Wild Jr. - Score 8 on 2s 125x
Deuces Wild - Score 10 on 2s 25x
Dirty Dozen - Score 12 on 3s 250x
15 Minutes of Fame - Score 15 on 3s 25x
Four by Four - Score 16 on 4s 250x
Four? Score! - Score 20 on 4s 25x
20/20 Vision - Score 20 on 5s 250x
Beast Mode Jr. Score 24 on 6s 250x
Five by Five - Score 25 on 5s 25x
Beast Mode Activated - Score 30 on 6s 25x
Lucky enough to win? Try to see if you can get these achivements!
- Blowout Win
- Dice Bully
- Equal Opportunist
- Hot Shooter
- Winning Formula
- Close Call
- Big Bronze
- Big Silver
- Big Gold
- Big Emerald
- Big Amethyst
- Big Ruby
- Beast Slayer
- Giant Slayer
- Dragon Slayer
- Dice Master
- Dice Grandmaster
- Dice Ubermaster
Big Bronze - Get to the Level 1 of the Biggest Winner
Big Silver - Get to Level 2 of the Biggest Winner
Equal Opportunist - Defeat 50 different opponents
Hot Shooter - Win 50 Games in a Row
Big Gold - Get to Level 3 of the Biggest Winner
Winning Formula - Win 250 Games
Big Emerald - Get to Level 4 of the Biggest Winner
Big Amethyst - Get to Level 5 of The Biggest Winner
Big Rudy - Get to Level 6 of the Biggest Winner
Blowout Win - Win by at least 275 points
Dragon Slayer - Defeat 25 players who average 250 or better
Dice Bully - Defeat 15 different opponents in 24 hours
Close Call - Win by exactly 1 point
Beast Slayer - Defeat 25 players who average 200 or better
Giant Slayer - Defeat 25 players who average 225 or better
Dice Master - Defeat 25 different level 4 or better players
Dice Grandmaster - Defeat 25 different level 6 or better players
Dice Ubermaster - Defeat 25 different level 8 or better players