Saturday, October 1, 2016

Halloween Dice Duels

Yahtzee with Buddies
Dice with Buddies
Halloween Dice Duels

It's that time again!  Are you ready to carve the pumpkin?  As you may be aware, Scopely has their annual pumpkin dice.  Last year, they had these dice and these custom pumpkin dice. This year, you can win the 2016 pumpkin dice by winning 20 games in the dice duels.  They aren't available by playing a premium or fast play tournament.

As is the case for the dice duels, you get one free dice duel per 24 hour period. After that you have to pay the entry fee to skip the wait in bonus rolls.

Some people stop here in the duels - getting to gold level and winning the dice.  You can do an unofficial goal, and that is to win the dice the first day that they are available.  This is usually in 24 hours.

Another goal in dice duels is to get to 103 wins, so that you can get the dice duel crown or an additional jewel in the crown.

Of course, we have the dice the first day (zero-day) winning of the dice!  

2016 Pumpkin Dice Sample

Pumpkin Custom Dice Sample
The sample dice aren't as easy to read as last year's pumpkin dice.

2015 Pumpkin Dice Sample

The sample dice are easy to read which make them really easy to use them when you have a lot of games going and are going through them quickly.  I like the numbers better on the 2015 version!

Activate the Pumpkin Dice

The Jack O' Lantern 2016 edition.  They look really mean but cool, don't ya think?

Do you like them?


  1. This is a different subject, but I keep getting 'error downloading game', and can't play, and lose bonus rolls. My Internet is strong. Scopely won't help. Any suggestions?

  2. Sadly Scopely's customer service is pretty terrible. They pretty much have a "not our problem" attitude about everything. Wish I had a suggestion. Good Luck!

  3. I can't seem to find this dice duel. I love the new Pumpkin dice.

    1. It's on the EVENTS + Rewards page. Tap on it, then the DICE DUELS will be near the bottom. Just scroll.

  4. Hi. i have been playing the halloween dice duels and just got to the gold level but i haven't received the 2016 jack o lantern dice. how do i retrieve them?

    1. Hi j4jules,

      You'll have to tap on the AWARDS which is the STAR shaped icon, then you'll see a number over your dice icon. Scroll down and you'll see the word NEW over the new dice. TAP them and you can ACTIVATE them :)

  5. I have gotten to 20 wins twice. The first time it never said I won and my count went from 20 to 16 wins for some reason. The second time I got to 20 it said I won the dice. When I went to the award page they weren't there. Went back to the dice duels and now it says I'm only at 18 wins. Is anyone else having this problem??
