You don't earn more dice though. Pay attention to the score that they average because they will lose with anything slightly above it. I played one where they had a single box left but they had already achieved their average and they rolled a zero (0) on their last roll.
Sixen: Average score: 180, 100 XP earned and 2 snowflakes
RollDolph: Average score: 220, 200 XP earned and 5 snowflakes
Topsy Turnowtiz: Average Score: 235, 300 XP earned and 2 snowflakes
Roller Bear: Average Score: 245, 500 XP earned and 4 snowflakes
Ruby Threes: Average Score: 255, 5K XP earned and 40 snowflakes
Fournament: Average Score: 270, 750 XP earned and 6 snowflakes
Twootsy Sweets: Average Score: 285, 2K XP earned and 5 snowflakes
Foursty The Snowman: Average Score: 304, 2.5K XP earned and 10 snowflakes
Nawty R. Dice: Average Score: 315, 3K XP earned and 15 snowflakes
Mrs. Kringroll: Average Score: 325, 4K XP earned and 20 snowflakes
Kris Kringroll: Average Score: 340, 5K XP earned and 40 snowflakes
I just beat him again. This time, I only got the 5,000 XP and the snowflakes and it sent me back all the way to Chancer (the beginning) to start again. How far are you on the ladder? Good luck!
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