Thursday, February 18, 2016

Unlock Mint Custom Dice in Yahtzee with Buddies

A lot of people write in and ask, "What are diamonds used for in Yahtzee with Buddies?  I win them and collect them but what can you do with them?"  This is the first set of custom dice, if I am not mistaken that you can purchase without cash directly but with diamonds?  Are you going to fork over the 200 diamonds that it costs to buy?

They appeared today (2/18/2016) on the custom dice tab after you tap award (star on android)

So, you can get the Mint Custom Dice with Diamonds.  I'd like to see something that offered them with bonus rolls also.

Do you like?

1 comment:

  1. I just found this blog. It's excellent!!! I want these mint dice. But how on earth will I get 200 diamonds in only 9 days?!?!
