Friday, December 4, 2015

What are Vanity Frames in Yahtzee with Buddies?

Yahtzee with Buddies
Custom Frames

Scopely has added experience (XP) based custom frames in July 2016.

Vanity Frames
Yahtzee with Buddies just got updated with vanity frames.  As far as I can see them, they are awarded for obtaining 5, 10 and 15 custom dice.  Basically, if you are a custom dice collector.  The vanity frame goes around your user profile icon in the game.  There are several different types for achieving different challenges in the game.  Some as mentioned are for the custom dice, others for completing a showdown.  Only the custom dice achievements seem to be retroactively credited.

I'll post pictures of them and how to get them shortly.

On the top left is the Classic meaning everyone gets it. The official tag is Yahtzee with Buddies look.

The second is the Dice Collector (level 1-3).  Awarded for collecting 5, 10 and 15 custom dice.  Mine is currently on the "Collect 15 Custom Dice Set"

Next comes PVP2. AKA. People Player Level 2 for me.  Complete 250 games against other players.

The fourth is locked and I don't know what it is.  Let me know in the comments section, please.

The locked items on the section section:

Champion 1: Finish a Dice Duel season in 1st place.

Duel Master 1: Reach Master Rank in Dice Duels

Rollerby's Crown 1: Crown of Dice.  Defeat Lady Rollerby in Dice Master Showdown (each win adds a level to the frame)

Gilded 1: Golden Roller Level 1 (51/100).  Use 100 Bonus Rolls (tracked at a game end)

Flames 1: Rapid Fire Level 1 (4/20) Win any 20 FastPlay Tournaments.  You can play FastPlay Bronze, Silver or Gold.

Christmas 1: Holiday Dice Master.  Defeat Kris Kringroll in Dice Pole Showdown (each win adds a level to the frame)

The last two are locked and don't show.  Again, please let me know in the comments if you have them or know what they are.

Additional frames are earned for beating particular towers and dice duels!


  1. What is master rank in dice duels?

    1. Check out:

      Master Rank is when you get 100 wins and have three wins in a row. You start getting 50 diamonds for each win, get the new frame that shows you have reached that level

  2. What is the number that appears in the bottom right of the frame stand for? In your posted pics on says 5 in silver and the other 13 in blue....

    1. Hello Gerrilynn,

      It represents your current rank. When I posted the image I was a level 13. I'm a level 18 now. If you need more info on the levels:

  3. What are the notches in the frames for and how do you fill them?

    1. If you beat a tower, you usually get a custom frame. Then each notch shows that you have beaten the tower that many more times. Five is the max that shows but you are able to beat the towers more times for more XP, Bonus Rolls, and diamonds.

      If they are experience based frames then read this:

  4. What do the crowns mean or do they in the game?

  5. What do the crowns mean or do for your games or stats? 👑👑👑

  6. I see people using holiday frames (Valentine, Easter, etc.). Where did they get them?

    1. They got them playing the special tournaments and events. Duels have a special going on now each day so that if you complete 20, 25 wins then you get the special dice or frames.

  7. I played against someone who had a custom frame that was red and white striped and had their school pennant and also a worm (like bookworm I guess). How can you do that?

  8. How many sets of custom dice do I need to unlock the Dice Collector 6 frame?

  9. I’m tired of duplicate dice. 😡 we should be able to trade duplicates or at least pick from a 3-5 dice grouping of our choice.

  10. How do you get the Sunflower Frame?
