Thursday, September 22, 2016

What Type of Yahtzee Player Are You?

Yahtzee with Buddies
Dice with Buddies

The Different Types of Yahtzee Players

Once you start playing either ywb or dwb, you'll see a pattern develop.  There are several different aspects to the game to draw players into particular categories.

There are the usual custom dice collectors and they do whatever it takes to get those shiny new custom dice.  Right now, the light up lightning dice are the rage - pretty cool, huh?  So, below are the types that I have identified and you can chime in if I missed something.

Let me know which you fall into...

Chatty Patties - These play PvP (player versus player) and greet you everyday.  They earned the social butterfly dice and easily obtained the XP for being a socialite.  You miss them if they don't show up.

Dice Duel Masters - The goal is that one crown that can only be obtained by playing 60 straight days and ending the season with the highest number of wins - only one winner!  They usually don't play PvP or anything else.  They usually don't get along with Chatty Patties since it slows down the playing.  They could play several dice duels at once, probably up to four.

PvP Family - They only play people on their facebook or just family.  They decline games with others and won't chat with you either.  They aren't as addicted but go in spurts later in the day.

Daily & Premium - The goal here is to earn bonus rolls to get other assets maybe the entry fee for dice duels for trading for diamonds or to complete the showdown towers in one day (eliminate wait time).  These players come out in droves for the custom dice.  You don't stand a chance by the way of winning, so hope for winner's circle or honorable mention.  If you do win one then you cheated.  Own up to it!

Whiners - They play and whine about the ads, the bonus rolls, the towers being rigged, the cheaters, not winning enough, the towers being too difficult to beat, the cost of buying custom dice.  Stop already.

Action Jackson - These players are here to play, and I'm not talking about yahtzee or dice.  They want some type of action.  That is the beauty of the block button.  This is not yahtzee dating, although there have been successful relationships and at least one marriage that I know of!

Quiet Violet - Mostly women fall into this label.  They have been hit on so many times, they just don't answer to any message - even the simple "Hi."  These players just want to play and are not into the chatting - just get the XP and churn out games or achievements.

Fast Play - They like the idea of the tournament but that takes too long.  They don't want to compete with the 1,000 or so other plays.  They feel they have a better chance of winning something when there is only 2-150 plays.  Risk versus reward.

Towers Only - XP is harder to earn but playing the towers does get more very quickly along with dice duels over the 100 win mark.

Just Play - They don't care about the custom dice and probably have the starter dice.  They don't move right away and take a long time to actually finish a game.  Sometimes they will play fast but it doesn't matter if they they lose.  They are very similar to PvP family and have given up on doing the towers since they can't win anyway.


  1. Amusing. I can see some folk in these categories. Reckon I'm a mixture of a few. Roll on and be happy. This game is eating up a tidy chunk of my time at the moment.

  2. Where do I begin..being a Gemini I have been a chatty pattie but by the same token I can be the quiet violet. I've run across a few action jackson type and have since turned off promoted buddies. I've tried the daily but just as warm up I don't expect to win, ever. I like the challenge of the dice duels, when system isn't freezing up, and if I'm lucky enough to go against someone that's actually near my level and plays back quickly. And I only do one duel at a time and when playing that it's only that game I play. I like the fast play because I do have a better chance at winning something and when 2 or 3 players I've won a few surprisingly enough. I like the challenge of the towers and they are much better now that you aren't constantly dropped to the beginning. Now about the whiners well you can pay to remove the ads, I don't believe the towers are rigged, I do feel there are cheaters but most of them are into the Premium tournaments so I don't have to worry with them. I also think that since this company is worth millions it shouldn't hurt them the least little bit to let every scratcher be a winner of at least one roll. Oh I know they don't want to do that because they prefer players buy rolls giving them even more money. But seriously, they would still have players buying rolls even if only to get the special of dice with purchase. I play a couple of people in my family but they say I win too much so don't really want to play me. sorry about that. Lastly, this game has been a tremendous help to me. I found it when I was caring for my Mom in her last stage of Alzheimer's and many people prayed with me and for me and it gave me a way to escape for just a little bit and recharge myself to be able to be there for my Mom. I don't view it as a dating game of any sorts. I will say I met and have a life long friend now from this game and am very thankful for that. I enjoy the challenge and will chat with those that wish to but it's not necessary..sometimes a person just needs to keep there mind busy and play and know there's someone on the other side. Whew well I'm done with my book lol

  3. Love this post! I'm a chatty patty. I have tons of games going at once and play daily. I am also obsessed with all of the vanity dice and try to earn as many as I can. Fair and square. I try to save my bonus rolls. I'm scared that I'll run out. I only use them for towers. Lol I really enjoy your blog. It's informative and entertaining.

    1. I'm glad you like it. I decided to add some personal commentary in :) Thanks for visiting!

  4. Quiet violet here, just here to roll dice, not get hit on๐Ÿ˜„ I do play daily.Favorite dice are Hamburger and palm tree.

    1. A lot of getting hit on going on! One of the achievements is to chat with someone. Someone replied to me when I said, "Hi. Good luck and have fun." Their response, "I'm not here to chat. Sorry."

  5. I could rant about the Premium tournament for the billiards dice but I'd rather make a suggestion. I did a post with this suggestion on the Yahtzee with Buddies Facebook page but can't see it..I guess they have to approve my post first. that's fine. I hope the Scopely people or whomever sets up the tournaments reads this. Since Scopely has no desire to remove the 880 cheaters and allows them to monopolize the top of the Premium tournaments, no matter how much they deny it happens every time, I would like to suggest they start doing three tournaments for the special new dice creations. A Gold one for the cheaters and those that can score 500 and above, a Silver one for ordinary game of chance players scoring 300 to 500 and a Bronze one for players scoring below 300. The top 30 could win the prize. The entry fee would be commensurate with the tournament level: 150 for Gold, 100 for Silver and 50 for Bronze. Thanks for listening

    1. Hi Mary...Thanks for your contribution and feedback. Scopely checks this blog, too. A lot of people upset about the 880's. You're not the only one.

    2. Thank you Blogger. Unfortunately I'm not holding my breath that Scopely will change anything. I honestly don't believe they are concerned with any of us. I appreciate you letting get some of my frustration out though lol. Yes I've seen plenty of upset people's comments on their Facebook page. Thanks again

  6. This game is the only one that has stayed on my phone and I am a long time player. I'm not sure how many years but I have played almost 8000 games now . I've seen Alot of game improvements over the years and just this week downloaded the Yahtzee app after only having the blue dwb for years . My full account switched over and I'm wondering if I should just keep this Yahtzee one now and get rid of the other one ? Is there many differences between the two apps ? I haven't seen many yet so I'm not sure .

    1. There are some minor differences. Hasbro owns the Yahtzee theme so that's why dice with buddies says, "Five of a Kind." There are other user interface differences too. For the most part, the color and labeling are the only think that differentiate. The same database of users is used.

      There are three versions: ywb, dwb free and dwb paid. Updates are released in cycles. I'd keep the dice with buddies too. :)

  7. I got to this particular blog via a Google search for an answer about something, so maybe you can help. I've been inundated with new game requests, and I hate turning people down. If I turn off "promoted buddies" in settings, is this how I can stop the influx of new games until I can let some drop off?

    Regarding Quiet Violet: they may be your bots. Within about 2 minutes of first signing up for Yahtzee, I had two players initiate games. 4 months later, while so many other players have come and gone, I am still playing them (and usually winning). I didn't think much of it until a couple months ago when both suddenly stopped playing me at the same time. When they both hit about 7 days of inactivity, I got two new game requests from both of them within minutes of each other (even though we were still in the middle of games). I realized at that point that they are most likely bots. Earlier I had sent one of them a message saying "hate when you get that yahtzee after taking the zero!" and the other "glad we're still playing after all this time!" Both went unanswered. Both switch up frames and custom dice, but they're never the new frames or dice that are available. Their profile pictures are generic. If I don't rematch, they will reliably rematch right about 3 or 4 minutes after the end of a game. I have since acquired a third bot. I described it to my mom, and she also has a couple opponents that meet the same description, both of which initiated games immediately after starting Yahtzee.

    What do you think about my bot theory? Your Quiet Violets might be your bots!

    1. Tinasaurus, maeallday and cooler4rachel seem like bots and have generic model photos. They dont talk, and often lose (70%) i notice tina changes dice and frame often as well. Gotta be bots

  8. Does anyone know how to turn off the "Let your buddy know its their turn" notice that comes up after EVERY turn I take? It annoying!
