Sunday, October 11, 2015

Welcome to Yahtzee!

Hello Everyone,

I love Yahtzee.  Like many kids, I played Yahtzee with the five dice and the blue cup that rattled along with the paper scoring sheets.  My friends and I would play for hours after we would be forced to come inside once it got dark.

Some of the ideas or strategies have helped me win a few games so I'm passing this on and scouring the web to see what everyone else has come up. I focus mainly with Yahtzee with Buddies.  

Scopely wrote an awesome game based on the original Yahtzee and those that have Dice with Buddies tell me it is basically the same as Yahtzee with Buddies and will merge the games data if you have both apps installed.

I've have played both the Facebook version and the iPhone version and prefer the iPhone.  Some of my friends play on the Android but regardless, each has the same functionality. I'm filling in past posts as I get more information so come back if you don't find what you are looking for this time.

Dice with Buddies is the exact same internally, except references to the word Yahtzee, so instead you'll five of a kind.  The theme for Dice with Buddies is blue and Yahtzee with Buddies is the orange like the "real" game.

If you want to send screenshots, contents, tips, etc...anonymously or not send to:



  1. What is a stragegic way to use the purple 2016 dice?

    1. Use them when you feel festive!
